Kurdische Hacker hacken mehrere AKP Seiten

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Kurdische Hacker hacken mehrere AKP Seiten

from Azadiyakurdistan on 06/15/2011 02:39 PM

Li gor daxuyaniya Koma ColdHackers malperên AKP’ê yên Rize, Mêrsîn, Erzîngan, Konya û Kocaeîl û ya Îzmîrê ya BBP’ê hatine hilweshandin. Di malperên ku hatine hilweshandin de jî wêneyê Erdogan ê ku dishibe Hîtler bi cî kirine û nivîsa “Dîkdatorê har ê hucreyekê” li ser malperan nivîsandine. Her wiha li ser wêneyê Erdogan “Armanc 1945” nivîsandine.

Malperên hatine hilweshŸandin wiha ne:

“www.akpartirize.com (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198012), www.akpartinilufer.com
(http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198009), www.akpartinilufer.org (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198005), www.akpartimersin.com (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198000), www.akpartierzincan.com (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198002), www.akpartikonya.com (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14195097), www.kocaeliakparti.com (http://zone-hc.com/archive/mirror/9cdfff7_kocaeliakparti.com.html), www.bbpizmir.org (http://zone-hc.com/archive/mirror/029a981_bbpizmir.org.html), www.e-muhtarlik.com (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198021, www.e-muhtarlik.net (http://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14198023).


Silav û Rêz

Reply Edited on 06/15/2011 02:42 PM.


39, female


Posts: 223

Re: Kurdische Hacker hacken mehrere AKP Seiten

from Ez_u_Tu on 06/15/2011 05:29 PM

Das Gefällt mir :-) In allen Bereichen müssen sich die Kurden aufrüsten auch als Elektronische Armee.


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